Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Know The Importance And Benefits Of Using Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer For Your Manufacturing Facility

Industrial kilns

It should be noted that successfully running a factory is much more than just judging the quality of the products that it manufactures. The overall performance of the factory matters as well. Many manufacturing facilities tend to produce large amounts of VOCs or Volatile Organic Compounds on an everyday basis, that needs to be destroyed before the exhaust air can be released into the environmental atmosphere.

In times like these, you require a Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer or commonly known as RTO - which can be obtained from industrial ovens in UK. These devices are designed to destroy VOCs at a molecular level along with other air pollutants i.e. before they plan to enter the earth’s atmosphere. 

The Reason Why RTOs Are Important

When it comes to manufacturing and industrial facilities, they are responsible for the production of VOCs, air pollutants and contaminants. RTOs are designed in such a manner that they provide a reliable solution to these harmful emissions, thereby helping to destroy such pollutants which are generated due to certain manufacturing methods.

In case VOCs and other air pollutants continue to be released into the atmosphere, they can lead to numerous negative impacts on the environment - such as global warming, smog formation etc. Apart from that, such pollutants can also deteriorate the health condition of both humans and animals.

Once you implement an RTO, the exhaust air from your manufacturing or industrial processes will get redirected to a gas chamber instead of getting released into the environment. After the redirection has been completed, such pollutants will be subjected to high temperatures of almost 980-degree Celcius, due to which almost 99+ per cent of the pollutants will be destroyed. 

The Essential Benefits Of Using RTOs

Apart from destroying VOCs and other pollutants, RTOs obtained from industrial kilns and furnaces manufacturers have the following other benefits:

  • Has Less Operating Expenses - Since RTOs can minimise the impact of your manufacturing facility on the environment, it will allow your facility to meet the government legal rules and regulations about pollution control. Thereby, it will help in keeping your operating expenses low in the long-run. 
  • Has A Simple Design And Can Be Used All Types Of Facilities - RTOs are a great fit for almost all types of facilities because of its simple design. Furthermore, these devices can be easily maintained and inspected by any member of your manufacturing team.