Monday, February 24, 2020

7 Examples Where Ceramic Is Being Used In Smartphone Manufacturing

Industrial Kiln or Furnace

Did you know, ceramics are fired in a high-temperature oven, referred to as industrial furnace. The process itself helps in engraving numerous useful properties in the material.

It may be least likely to imagine that something as complex and delicate as a smartphone will involve something from the hellish conditions of a kiln. But it does! And ceramics are the materials being used in smartphones due to its varied and useful properties.

Properties of Ceramic Material 

One of the most fundamental attributes of ceramics is their semi-conductivity, which is also referred to as the cornerstone of modern technology. Furthermore, ceramics showcase the following properties:

  • Magnetic 
  • Superconductors
  • Dielectric
  • Insulators
  • Pyroelectric
  • Piezoelectric

Here are the seven examples where ceramic is being employed in your mobile phones:

Smartphone Antenna: In most of the smartphones, the antenna is ceramic. Not just in a smartphone, ceramic is being used in numerous Bluetooth systems and GPS as antennae.

Insulation: The metal film resistors are placed on a ceramic base, which helps in putting the insulation properties of the material to use. It’s also applied in the outer covering of sensitively integrated circuit chips and maintain a safe temperature in the processor.

Dielectric Resonators: Ceramic built dielectric resonators are used because they offer a high relative permittivity and zero temperature coefficient.

Capacitors: One of the basic and yet the most important component of any smartphone, a capacitor is responsible to store and deliver an electrical charge in the device. With ceramic capacitors, there was a drastic reduction in the size of the typical processor.

Battery Life: Yes, there are ceramic components within your mobile battery too. They’re quite helpful in energy management and conservation of energy within smart grid products. Using it helps in reducing the energy cost and improve the performance of the mobile device.

System on a Chip (SoC): An SoC is a universal device found in all mobile phones. It contains the microcontroller, graphics processor and the RAM. It would have been impossible to create this component without ceramic.

Timers: An operational example of the piezoelectricity property of ceramics can be witnessed in the use of timers. An electric field oscillates at a fixed frequency when applied across certain ceramics. This process is utilized when inserting timing properties in smartphone computer systems.

So, basically, the ceramic produced by Industrial Kiln Manufacturers permeates almost all mobile devices and hence is a vital aspect throughout its technology. Without the presence of ceramics, we simply would not have the modern smartphone as we know it. 

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